




在過去的幾年裡,在寫了 25 部言情小說之後,我發現了對歷史的濃厚興趣,尤其是二戰。在為《遺言》系列注入活力之後,我決定“過去”是我需要去的地方。


如果您喜歡“遺言”系列,請務必查看 2021 年 3 月 22 日發行的“最後一個家”。這本書的重點是一位猶太裔美國護士在珍珠港事件和第二次世界大戰中倖存下來。在女性不被視為平等的時代,我強烈希望強調在那個時期有所作為的女性。


我已與 Bookouture of Little, Brown/Hachette UK 簽署了一項圖書協議,以根據大屠殺的真實事件寫兩部二戰小說。請留意第一本書的更多信息:閣樓的秘密,今年秋天發行。


在大屠殺中倖存的故事 - 基於真實生活事件的小說



14 Feb, 2024
I know it's only been two minutes since I announced a release, but I'm back with more exciting news and a surprise cover reveal for my next Historical Fiction novel: THE NURSE BEHIND THE GATES
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💥 Get Ready for a Rollercoaster Ride with 'The Perfect Nanny'! Prepare to Be Shocked with Every Page Turn!
The Perfect Nanny by Shari J. Ryan
作者: Shari J. Ryan 09 Nov, 2023
“My baby! You stole my baby!” Lara Smith is hysterical, her red lipstick smeared. A teddy lies abandoned in the empty crib. But I didn’t know the Smiths had a baby. I didn’t even know this nursery existed… Lara’s husband - deathly white - dials 911 and says: “The babysitter has taken our little girl.” I’m in shock. This is impossible. Because earlier this evening when the Smiths left for their fancy charity gala - Lara in high heels and a floor-length gown, Corbin in a tux - they never mentioned a baby. And they certainly didn’t show me this nursery room, up in the eaves of their sprawling, beachfront mansion. The Smiths only hired me to take care of their nine-year-old twins, now blinking at me in matching horror. As I’m taken away in handcuffs, I try to swallow my terror. Because my being here is no coincidence. When my own darkest secret is spilled, will anyone believe I’m innocent? And who is really in danger: This perfect couple? Their missing child? Or me?
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